First and foremost, one would have to say there is a blogging giant in the Ghanaian entertainment showbiz, Ndayam II, also known as Emmanuel. The owner of Ndayamcity Entertainment, Ndayamcity Tech, and GhanaWeb+, he isn't an analyst; rather, he preserves the regional beat. Being the Best Blogger of the Year, this makes him credible in the industry for two years running-2023 and 2024.
A Bold Statement
This is not an abstract assertion, but a fact concerning Ndayam II, relating how the impacts and dominance of Star Danger and Rap Malaika have shaped the sound scape of North East Ghana. Through this, both the artists have been able to carve out distinctive identities, create meaningful lyrics to touch the hearts of listeners, and picture cultural and struggle representation.
But the above declaration begets another very important question: Are Star Danger and Rap Malaika the only carrying rap torches in the region, or is there some hidden talent down inside that had not been dug out as yet?
The Role of Ndayam II
With Ndayam II as one of the profiled bloggers and promoters, he set the pace in introducing talent under him. His platforms were the catalyst to give the artists voice and connections into much larger audiences. Therefore, these two rappers, handpicked by such a profiled person and the only representatives of rap in North East Ghana, speak of unparalleled influence.
What is the future of North East Ghana music?
With Star Danger and Rap Malaika having taken the lead, this may well be the declaration to set tongues wagging and to get further budding talents into action across the region. Who will be next in line to join them or take them on?
And as Ndayam II continued his narration through the outlets, one thing was comprehensively clear: this North East Ghana music scene was alive, dynamic, and with great potential.
Continue the discussion there! Let us know, in the comments below, if you agree with Ndayam II or have other suggestions of rappers in the region that are underappreciated.
These are his platforms: Ndayamcity Entertainment, Ndayamcity Tech, and GhanaWeb+, the largest hubs where music promotion and cultural discussion occur in North East Ghana.